Have You Been Missing Out On Our Brotherhood?


We Want to Help You Find Your Way Back

Larry Taylor, EO 739

Before his untimely death from cancer this January, Brother Larry Taylor was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his courageous actions saving four servicemen under enemy attack in Vietnam. Last Fall, we were able to honor Brother Taylor with an expedited award of Lambda Chi Alpha’s Order of Achievement for outstanding alumni. This honor will be awarded at the General Assembly this Summer. We were able to award this early because of Larry’s battle with cancer, unfortunately he was unable to attend. Below is the video from the ceremony we held at the EO fraternity house in October of 2023.

Join Our Brothers Only Area!

We created The Card Room as an area where you can see and share photos from your time as an active in the fraternity. Click the button below to create your login and enter the Card Room. Click the Get Connected button to be added to our mailing list for important updates and news from the chapter and the alumni association. Then check out your Contact record in our database and go to the Decades Gallery to see pictures “back when the frat was real!”

The Card Room

This is part of the website is for Brothers-only. Please click the button to enter or request access to the Card Room!







Welcome Back to Epsilon Omicron Zeta

EO Zeta is back on campus with a Spring Initiation class of 32 new brothers. We are excited to also re-launch our Alumni Association in a national effort to connect with EO Brothers around the corner or around the world. EO has a proud heritage at the University of Tennessee and it will take all our efforts to reclaim our position at the top of Alpha League!

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Every brother deserves

a chapter & house they can be proud to call home!

Don’t live life unsupported. Get connected. You deserve a vital brotherhood.

Spring 2021 Initiation Class


Rediscover our Brotherhood



We joined Lambda Chi Alpha on the University of Tennessee campus for many reasons. But what we found was a group of men striving to be part of something bigger than themselves. Let’s reconnect with that Brotherhood as alumni to make a bigger impact.



Our undergraduate experience in EO Zeta was a shared experience with a diverse group of young men from all walks. Let’s make sure we are continuing to share this experience with brothers that we still stay in touch with so they can get connected. Click “Find Five” to help other brothers get connected with our renewed chapter and alumni brotherhood.



“Of my own free will, I, [full name], do promise and swear, before God and before the brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha, that I will for the rest of my life abide by these solemn pledges…” Learn how can you serve our chapter as it grows.

The Path to Brotherhood

Whether you stay in touch with your entire composite of brothers, the men in your class, or just a couple of guys, we want you to find your way back to our brotherhood that spans the decades. Here are three steps to lead you back to EO.



Click this Get Connected link to share your contact information so we can keep you informed with important news from the chapter, updates from housing corporation, and events planned for alumni at the house our around the country.

Find Five.

Once you have gotten connected, share this website and this Find Five link with five or more brothers. The Find Five page makes it easy for you to share this opportunity with others so we can not only rebuild the alumni base but stay connected with the active chapter.


Part of our initiation oath into Lambda Chi Alpha was to remain loyal to the fraternity while we are in school and in our life to follow. Click this Serve link to find opportunities to serve the chapter, the housing corporation, or the alumni association

Supporting the Chapter and House Financially

Follow the step by step instructions to direct a tax-deductible contribution to support our Chapter through the University Giving System.


Did you know that you can make a tax-deductible donation to our chapter through the University’s website?

1) Go to UTK.EDU online and click Give from the top menu.

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2) Complete the Giving Amount and select the frequency of gift box

3) Click the button in the “Select College, School or Preferred Fund” box.

4) A screen will pop for “All Giving Opportunities.” Enter Lambda Chi in the search box and select Lambda Chi Alpha Facility and Renovation Fund.

5) Then complete the rest of the form with your information.

Now is the time to remember what Lambda Chi Alpha means to you!