Spring 2022 was EPIC!
This Spring Semester, EO Zeta achieved several leading UTK Interfraternity Council accomplishments:
Secured the largest associate member class of 36 young men!
Logged over 1,300 services hours, the most of any chapter on campus!
Earned a chapter GPA of 3.13 (above the IFC average) and a new member GPA of 3.17 (one of the highest in IFC)!
Received the Alumni Chapter of the Year award over 40+ other Greek chapters on campus!
Watermelon Bust ‘21 is a huge success!
Seven sororities (KKG, ADPi, DG, KD, AXO, PiPhi) participated in the first Watermelon Bust in 5 years. We partnered with these ladies to raise $3,000 and collected 2,072 food cans for Second Harvest Food Bank. The Sisters of ADPi took home the win!
About EO
A group of UT engineering students interested in intramurals formed Zeta Tau Lambda on January 18, 1927. On April 30, 1930, Zeta Tau Lambda petitioned Lambda Chi Alpha for a charter. On August 25, 1931, the 14th General Assembly of Lambda Chi Alpha met at Asheville, NC at the Grove Park Inn and voted to grant Zeta Tau Lambda a charter. The Omega Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha of Auburn, AL formally installed Epsilon Omicron Zeta of Tennessee at Church Street United Methodist Church in Knoxville on March 19-20, 1932. The three men who signed our charter were Ray T. Kelsey, Lloyd Claycomb, and John E. (Jack) Mason. EO Zeta was the 117th chapter installed.
Epsilon Omicron became a national leader in Lambda Chi Alpha, winning many national honors and producing several Order of Merit winners. EO Zeta quickly became a leader on the UT campus, fostering campus leaders, intramural championships, All Campus Event wins, and philanthropic efforts for the next dozen decades. The chapter built a new house on campus in 1967 in the Fraternity Park development in the southwest corner of campus. Through the years, EO Zeta has even produced some our nation’s great leaders including:
Gen. Bruce C. Clark, 4 Star General and Commander of the U.S. Continental Forces in World War II
Paul Henze, the highest decorated veteran of Vietnam War and Larry Lowe Taylor, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran
James P. Hess, the namesake of Hess Residence Hall on UTK campus
John Gordy, NFL All Pro football player with the Detroit Lions
Unfortunately, in February 2016, the national organization made the decision to remove Epsilon Omicron chapter from campus and suspend it’s charter for 5 years.
“...I will strive with the help of God to be true to the ideals and objectives of Lambda Chi Alpha. To which I pledge my oath and faith, in accordance with the Christian teachings of this Ritual, and as a gentleman...”
On April 17, 2021, Epsilon Omicron initiated 32 brothers into the newly formed chapter on campus!
“Calepa Ta Kala”
“Naught without Labor”
As we forge ahead into a new era for EO Zeta, we stand on a firm foundation of tradition, leadership, and brotherhood that has withstood economic depressions, world wars, and national upheaval.
Our plan for the future of Epsilon Omicron lies in our commitment to support and serve our brotherhood to the best of our ability. Our success rests in the ideals of our bond: loyalty, truth, courage, and industry. If EO is to successfully resume its rightful position as a leader on the UT campus, the chapter will need the continued help of our brotherhood through our service, sacrifice, and support!